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ways to go sustainable living

5 way on how to live sustainably


5 ways to go sustainable

Sustainable living, in a global context, does not involve sacrificing comfort or style. It is about making lifestyle choices that are beneficial to people and the environment. You’re not only helping save the Earth by consuming more plant-based food, using less disposable plastic, using other means of transport, wearing eco-friendly clothes such as hemp, upcycling things, and going paperless but also working for a better tomorrow for your future generations.
Every little effort is valuable and cumulatively they bring about a positive change. Let us therefore approach sustainability with creativity, dedication, and some level of enjoyment because our planet requires it. It is important to understand that sustainability is more than just a fashionable word—it is a way of life that can enhance our health and that of the planet. So, for people who want to change their routine into an eco-friendly one, here are five interesting and easy approaches to help you be eco-friendly and to enjoy other health benefits as well.

1. Eat Like a Plant, Not a Package!

One of the easiest ways to live sustainably is to shift towards a plant-based diet. Think fresh fruits, veggies, grains, and legumes—all the delicious food Mother Nature has to offer! Choosing organic options also ensures fewer chemicals in your body and soil.
Organic farming practices support biodiversity, improve soil health, and reduce the need for harmful pesticides. Eating plant-based doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice taste or variety. Countless plant-based recipes are delicious and easy to prepare.
Additionally, avoid heavily packaged and processed foods; they’re often loaded with plastic and unnecessary additives.
Go for foods that come in their natural "packaging" (like bananas, oranges, and avocados) or buy in bulk using your containers. Farmer's markets and local co-ops are great places to find fresh, organic produce without the plastic wrap. You'll reduce waste, eat healthier, and support local farmers—all at the same time!

save the planet, eat plant based diet

2. Say 'Plastic, Who?' and Go Natural!

It is time to say good-bye to the plastic bags that have found their way into your life for some purpose or the other. Nowadays, everywhere you go, there is plastic, from bags to cutlery. In particular, single-use plastics pose a significant threat because they take hundreds of years to decompose and are generally found to pollute the oceans and endanger wildlife. Instead, think about using alternatives such as cloth bags, bamboo utensils, or wooden chopsticks. They are more durable, and the best part is they look classy as well.
Let's be frank, a wooden fork has, let's say, unique appeal and aesthetics, so why not use it while eating salads? Think of those plastic things as one more thing to be replaced as you transition to a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle.

As an illustration, try replacing plastic wraps with beeswax wraps, throwing away plastic boxes in favor of stainless ones, and having plastic bottles exchanged for glass ones. These adjustments may appear to be minor; however, in bulk, such alterations have a considerable influence on plastic waste reduction.

3. Don’t Take Your Car, Walk Instead!

When it comes to driving the car to send and pick up the children, consider how far the supermarket is. Walking or cycling, to get to the shop for instance, is an efficient way of alleviating your carbon footprint goes hand in hand with physical fitness. It is almost as if Mother Nature has included a complimentary gym membership in the package; it also comes at no cost! The reduction in carbon emissions from cycling and walking has other health benefits as well — a decrease in cardiovascular diseases, stress relief, and experiencing local culture firsthand.
Furthermore, walking or riding a bike is not only environmentally friendly but allows you to appreciate your surroundings, all of which are missed while in a traffic jam. On top of that, it helps prevent air pollution and extends the life of urban road constructions.
If you live in a city where there is no adequate infrastructure, such as cycle lanes, to encourage people to cycle, it might be more sensible to use public transport or car share with friends and neighbors.


4. Dress to Impress the Planet – Choose Hemp!

Though relentless mass manufacture of clothes at affordable prices termed slow fashion is currently in fashion but it has, over the years, led to rather obnoxious patterns of environmental pollution through textile waste as well. Low quality fabric combined with fleeting trends makes it highly probable that any offered garment will only be worn a few times before being thrown away. Instead, there are sustainable clothing choices to change the current game. Fabrics made from hemp, organic cotton and recycled materials should be sought wherever possible. Hemp on its own is an excellent choice'>an excellent choice. It is long-lasting, grows with less water, and is organically pest-free. It comes up rapidly, does not require chemical fertilization, and is beneficial for the soil.
This not only comes with a smaller carbon footprint but also brings textures and styles enhancing your wardrobe aesthetics. Supporting sustainable brands and buying second-hand or vintage clothing are also great ways to reduce your fashion footprint.
Have a clothing exchange with friends or organize a clothing swap for a neighborhood to host the event. In this manner, you are prolonging the lifespan of the garments and diverting them from the dumpsites.

5. Waste Not, Want Not: Upcycle and Recycle

Tossing something out should be preceded by the thought: can this item be used again? Upcycling is all about repurposing – taking something that is old and making it new and attractive! A bookshelf can be created from an old ladder; glass jars can be used as planters or storage and an old T-shirt can be turned into cleaning towels. The options are huge and the outcome is usually more unique and special than buying something from the shops.
Let’s also not forget about upcycling, which is extremely popular these days! Make sure to do it right for materials that cannot be upcycled.
Curbside sconces are present in many municipalities, however it’s quite important to adhere to the basic rules in order to prevent cross contamination. In the harsh world, this trash can be useful for the other beings in this beautiful world. Composting is a great option for waste reduction as well; food waste and garden waste can be used to create compost for the garden and reduce the use of chemical fertilizers as well as preventing organic matter entering landfills.

In this world which revolves around the internet and mobile phones, it doesn’t make sense to depend on paper as much.
Switch to electronic bills, bank prints and even books. Opt for e-books or online planners instead of novels or other paper forms. In situations when paper must be used, use recycled papers to prevent excessive felling of trees for virgin paper. In the workplace, adopt a paper-free policy and advocate for digital aids and file storage as opposed to hard copies of documents.

- Nirzara Jain

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