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Top 5 Reasons Why Hemp Should Replace Cotton In Your Wardrobe - Cannabie

Top 5 Reasons Why Hemp Should Replace Cotton In Your Wardrobe

Hemp and Cotton are easily the oldest natural fibers known to man. However, 'natural’ in this context doesn’t necessarily mean eco-friendly. Cotton exhausts a lot more of our resources than hemp does. With the adverse effects of climate change already affecting our planet, this is not something we can afford today.  Hemp can help you transition to a sustainable lifestyle smoothly. It's about time we start considering eco-friendly alternatives and here’s why hemp is just the right one.

Easy on the Environment

Being a carbon negative crop, hemp can help make a huge difference in reducing our carbon footprint on earth. Unlike cotton, it also deeply cleanses and nourishes soil without exhausting its nutrients. Hemp uses half the amount of water used to grow cotton and produces more than twice as much yield.

Comfortable Cloth

Being more water-absorbent in nature, hemp can help you feel cooler in summers and warmer in winters. It also has a larger surface area than cotton, thus making it a more breathable fabric.

Future of Fashion

Owing to Earth's growing population, the demand of fibers in textile industries is said to triple globally by 2050. It is impossible to meet these needs without absolutely destroying the existing resources of the planet. However, hemp can help us achieve this with minimal environmental impact and compromise. Hemp is also guaranteed to last much longer than cotton and only gets better with time.

Stays in Shape

Unlike cotton, hemp doesn't wear out. When it comes to shape and color retention, it will outlast all cotton clothing in your wardrobe and only get softer with every wash.

Better than the Best

Hemp clothing is stronger, more durable and more absorbent than cotton clothing. It also offers protection against ultraviolet light and is naturally resistant to mold. Unlike cotton, hemp is antibacterial and anti-odour. 

The greener alternative is here to pull us out of our environmental crisis. Benefits of hemp in the textile industry remain unparalleled. Now, it’s your turn to take the first step towards making the switch. 

We at Cannabie are here to help you with it!




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